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Reconsideration of Material


  • Library customers may request books or other materials to be added to the collection. The Swisher Community Library Board supports intellectual freedom and subscribes to the principles of the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights.  The library staff applies the criteria described in the Library Bill of Rights and the Library’s Materials Selection Policy to provide books and materials that reflect the diversity of viewpoints within the community.


  • The Library Board recognizes that individuals may question library materials that do not support their tastes and views. Individuals or groups wishing to protest the presence of an item in the collection will contact the Director. The Director, upon receiving the complaint, will send a written response to the complainant within ten (10) days of receipt.


  • If the complainant wishes to carry his/her objections further, a Reconsideration of Library Materials Request Form will be filled out and signed. The party making the complaint must be an eligible to receive a Swisher Community Library card and have read, listened to, or watched the entire material in question.


  • The written complaint will be taken to the Library Board of Trustees at their regularly scheduled meeting. The complainant may appear before the Board if desired. The Board will reply within thirty (30) days in a written response. No item shall be removed from the library collection without a court order if the Board of Trustees and Director deem it appropriate for the collection. If the decision given by the Board of Trustees is refused, the complainant may then direct their appeal to the district court system.

  • The material in question will remain in the collection and available to patrons during the reconsideration process. Items the Board deems appropriate for the collection will be not be removed except by court order.


  • See Appendix D For Request for Reconsideration of Material Form

  • ​

Approved 3/27/12 Updated August 2015  Updated and Approved 8/13/2018




Appendix D


Request for Reconsideration of Material


Author: ____________________________________________________


Title: ______________________________________________________


Date request received by staff: _________ Staff initials: _________


Type of Material: [ ] Book [ ] Movie [ ] Music [ ] Digital [ ] Game [ ] Other


1. Would you describe your concern about the material? Please be specific including pages.


2. What do you believe is the central theme of this material?


3. In your opinion, is there anything good about this material, any redeeming quality?


4. Are you aware of any professional or literary reviews of this material?


5. What materials can you suggest to counterbalance the point of view of this material?


Name: _________________________________________________________________


Representing: [ ] Self [ ] Organization: _______________________________________


Address: ________________________________________________________________


Telephone: __________________________



Adopted: 8/2015  Reviewed 8/13/2018

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